I really don't know what we would have done without her. It was such a blessing that we found Dr. Gardner when we did. We appreciate everything she did for us.
The first photo was one of my all time favorites. Moments after Jenna arrived with her hand stretch out, I immediately noticed how much she looked like her brother. Exactly like Chase! It wasn't until she was around 2 that they started to look different. I guess because that was when she finally got some hair. You parents of bald baby girls know how we get tired of hearing how cute HE is! I once had this old lady do a double take of my baby girl (dressed in pink) and say to me "It is a girl isn't it"? Yes IT is. Old people can't help it sometimes.

This was a short session we did for Jenna's Birthday invitation. Like most girls her age she loves Hannah Montana & Jonas Brothers. Such a little drama queen. I've got to share a funny story. We were watching American Idol the other night. Adam Lambert was singing, as I looked over and her eyes were glued to the TV. A few seconds later without moving her head, she cuts her eyes over to me. She says in her cute little lisp "I want to kissth him.." I said why?..... and she said "cauth" I wanted to say your not his type... but didn't. You had to be there.

I can't believe our little girl is already 4 . Enjoy every day with your kids, it goes fast!
Happy Birthday Jenna, we love you!
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