Almost exactly 2 years ago for my 30th birthday, my wife Cari surprised me with a trip to New York City. I had always wanted to go there, but didn't see it anywhere in my near future. The first couple of days I was really in tourist mode and just in awe of the overwhelming amount of people and concrete. Then I got in photo journalist mode. I wanted to photograph people in their everyday actions. The thousands of people in the city each have a story to tell just by looking at them.

I photographed this lady sitting outside of a store. She was obviously upset and crying. What was her story & why was she so upset?

This was during lunch break. The poor guy in the back needs some friends.

I did many shots of the unusual architecture too. There were so many different styles and textures to the buildings. At first glance you just see 20 stories of building & windows, but each window is someones home. Each floor has a family, a newly married couple, a single mom who can barely pay the rent. Each window has a story inside it.
OK.... and the story through this window is that someone can't afford a dryer!
I like the photo of the clothes hanging out the window to dry. Very cool.